Sunday, January 10, 2010

Car to Save the World? Or Lead the Lemmings?

I finally cannot see a Prius, or hear talk about a Prius, without bursting a blood vessel. It makes absolutely no sense for the so called 'green' movement to put its backing for a car so inherently un-green. Why can't people open their eyes and see the reality? The Prius is just a temporary marketing enriched mode of transportation designed to fool people into thinking that by buying one they're helping the environment! Hello? They still run on gasoline! How is that going to help our world from reverting into the stone age once gasoline runs out?

I would be half ok with these so-called cars if they were half decent to drive. But no. Driving one can only be considered a slow torture at best. I would imagine being killed by a thousand knitting needles would feel about the same. No. That's not true. A thousand needles would have infinite more feel than driving a Prius.

I would also concede to these monstrosities if they offered considerable advantage in gas mileage. But no, they do not. A VW diesel will easily out pace the crap mobile hybrids, and any compact on the market today will come close, while being cheaper to buy, and more enjoyable to drive. Which means you won't want to commit suicide.

And why would anyone with half a brain believe that these hybrids are actually beneficial to our environment? The basic idea behind the hybrid car is that it has two power plants: an electric motor, and a regular gasoline engine. The motor can general enough power to allow it to travel about as fast as a slug, and then the regular gasoline engine will kick in for the extra oomph. The gasoline engine is also used to burn gasoline to convert energy to be stored in the massive battery pack. I'm sorry, but having two engines is like having four legs, with the two in the back to help the front ones move. But the front ones are too weak and not properly developed to actually do any moving. So now the body has to feed two sets of legs. Argh!

It's particularly sad when I see people, and indeed my friends, get caught up in the hybrid hype. They say, "Oh! It's economical!" or "It's helping the environment!" or "It get's 60mpg!" No, no, and no, it doesn't. All it tells me about these so called green people is that they haven't bothered to care, or they haven't got half a brain.

Further contributing to my confusion at what in the world these people are thinking, is that I frequently get blown by on the highway by Priuses (or just Prius?), while I'm in my M3 no less. How is that doing anything to help you save fuel? I happen to know that a Prius can't lug around my groceries without needing the help of its second pair of legs, so there is no damn way that it can be anything close to economical at its theorhetical pathetic top speed of something like 90mph. The only explanation I can see for these drivers to be going at such a ridiculous pace would be that they admit making a mistake, that the more they drive their cars, the more they want to die, and that the only way to prevent all of the cells in their bodies from spontaneously combusting is to shorten up whatever trip they had as much as possible.

Yes I am angry, but please, stop this idiotic course to certain death. Stop being lemmings. Get a MINI, get a Fit. Get a VW Golf TDI. And stop killing our planet.