Friday, February 19, 2010

Winter Olympics

We've reached the first week of the winter Olympics and I don't know about you, but its been pretty disappointing. Aside from the half-pipe snowboarding, hockey, and some of the speed-related events, its just been prime-time coverage of figure skating, curling, and pair figure skating. I know #1 and #3 are technically the same event, but I honestly couldn't think of any other winter Olympic sport to put on the list.

I think even the winter X games are better than the winter Olympics. At least the X games doesn't have curling. For those who don't know what curling is, it is a 'sport' where lawn bowling, shuffleboard, and sweeping are combined into one epically boring event. I don't understand how this ancient tavern game turned a bunch of rock sliding fat drunks into Olympic athletes. A curler (is that what they're called?) basically just needs to know how to sweep in front of the sliding big rock thing to be considered and Olympian. wow. Don't worry though. I read an article today that says curling is a dying sport. Surprisingly, not because of lack of fans but because the special rare granite these guys use to make the sliding rock is almost all gone. Yay! Sorry, curling, but even nature hates your sport too.

This years Winter Olympics games in Vancouver have had many hiccups too. One of the biggest ones is the lack of snow and warm temps at the venue site, Whistler. While the entire US has been dumped w/ snow and record setting blizzards, Vancouver has been experiencing Spring. Its been so bad that snow has been trucked in from miles away and many events have been postponed due to inadequate snow. Hey, Olympic Committee, you might want to consider a location w/ a bit more of the cold white stuff to hold the games next time. Heard it might be important.

So w/ the forgettable 2010 Olympics almost halfway over, it'll only be another week or so before we can watch Chuck, Parks and Recreation, and the Office again. To help pass the time, I present to you a proper version of the winter Olympics courtesy of the guys at Top Gear: one filled w/ fast cars and frigid temperatures. They filmed a special winter Olympics episode during the 2006 games in Italy. I was supposed to put this post up an hour earlier but ended up watching each clip. Don't know how long these will be up, but hopefully they'll provide some distraction until these current Olympic games are over.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6