Saturday, October 30, 2010

Mommy, where do Stigs come from?

Have you ever wondered where the Stig from Top Gear came from? I've always figured the Stig was designed and constructed in a factory somewhere on the moon. A finely crafted machine built by cyborg hobbits. There was always the possibility that it was forged from the fiery pits of a volcano with power to corrupt humans, or maybe it was robot sent from the future to kill some slacker and change humanity. 

According to a British newspaper, the Stig comes from a farm. The newspaper reported finding a Stig farm, with a full blown herd of Stigs and a Stig farmer/herder. 
From the photos, you can see a herd of Stigs wandering around on an open field and a gentleman herding a few back into the stables. I am a bit surprised by the humble origins of a tamed racing driver. I would've never thought that it had so much in common with sheep, cows, and pigs. If nothing else, you would think that you'd have to wander off into the deep jungle, track one down for days, weaken it through a long fought battle, and capture it like a pokemon. You know, something less...domesticated.

Maybe these are just the regular anonymous racing drivers, and the real Stig is a pedigree breed: like horses to race horses. Or cows to fighting bulls. This wouldn't be a huge stretch of the imagination since there has already been a Stig killed on Top Gear in the past. Still, these Stigs seem a little more sickly looking and not to the same caliber as the one we see lapping the Top Gear Testtrack. Maybe that one IS special. I could just be in denial, but if it was from this farm setting I think that it was probably picked out from this little farm, trained under a rigorous program of supercars, and fed a diet of high octane gasoline and motor oil. Taking a sad pathetic farm animal and molding, refining, and chiseling out the specimen we see now. Thats must be how Top Gear tamed the racing driver we all know today. 

However, I still like my lunar hobbit built machine theory for the Stig's origin. I'm sticking with that story until proven otherwise. These pictures taken by the newspaper are just all of the Stig's cousins. The real one probably has "Made in the Moon" stamped on the bottom its left shoe. We may get more details of the origins of the Stig since Top Gear may be looking to replace the current one. At the end of the last Top Gear season, its seems the Stig wrote a book, which stunned the world: no one knew the Stig could read, let alone write. Well, now that it has developed a consciousness, I think Top Gear may kill it and go find a new one. Maybe we'll get some more clues on where these mysterious beings come from.

Original story: